Isaiah 12:3–4 (RSV)
3 With joy you will draw water from
the wells of salvation. 4 And
you will say in that day:
“Give thanks to the
upon his name;
make known his deeds
among the nations,
that his name is exalted.
NOTE: Pascal's wager
argues that living by faith in God far exceeds the alternative with the
prospect of eternity in hell versus eternity in heaven for those who believe.
But I find another aspect that is not discussed, and that is, physical life on
earth is far better than life without God. Now, that is only a personal opinion
and does not have any scientific basis, but neither does the opinion that life
without God is better on earth. Yes, I have struggled and suffered, but I do
have a joy and peace to my life that I did not have in the days I lived without
God. The world does not really offer any satisfying alternative. Its pleasures
are empty and short-lived. Love, relationships, peace, meaning to life, and joy
are far better living for God than living in rebellion. Another person can
argue the complete opposite point, and that is his opinion as well. But I don't
feel I have lost anything in Pascal's wager. And if there is no God, I enjoyed
life and will end up in nothingness. And if there is a God, which in my mind
and with very good evidence is true, I will end up in eternity with him, versus
eternity in everlasting agony. I haven't lost a thing, and I gain everything,
both now and in eternity.