7:8b-10 … the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit.
9 Be not quick in your spirit to become angry,
for anger lodges in the bosom of fools.
10 Say
not, "Why were the former days better than these?"
For it
is not from wisdom that you ask this.
NOTE: There are
three exhortations in these verses, and I believe the common theme is
contentment. When we are content, we are patient with people and life. We do
not get angry because things do not go our way because we are content with how
things are going and not expecting more. We do not compare today to the past,
because we are content with our lot. A lack of contentment is what drives most
people today. Certainly it is not wrong to want the most out of life, but the
problem is that we believe that this life is all there is to life, and if we
don't get what we want in this life, we will forever have missed out.
Fortunately for the believer, this life is not all that there is to life. God
has promised us eternal life with him. There are many days ahead in the
millennial kingdom and the age to follow. We will have opportunity to enjoy and
experience life in many old and new ways. God originally designed the earth and
life to be eternal, but we rebelled against him. He still plans to restore his
original creation and we, who have believed in Christ, will get to experience
life as he intended. We don't miss out on anything by living a relaxed and
contented life. And we have the added pleasure of experiencing peace now.
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