Philemon 17–18 (ESV) — 17 So if you consider me your partner, receive him as
you would receive me. 18 If he has wronged you at all, or owes you anything,
charge that to my account.
NOTE: Paul displayed
the Christian attitude to loss, anger, and misunderstanding. He took it upon
himself. He was not in the wrong, but he was willing to bear the burden of the
wrong. It did not matter who paid the loss. It was just money. It was just an
internal sense of right and wrong that isn't even always biblical. The bigger
issue was healing hurts and reconciling people. I find it is a lot easier to
assume the fault to rectify a relationship than to get the other person to
admit their error. So what? God will reveal it to them in time. It is not my
job to play junior Holy Spirit. Now if it is a regular pattern, I may need to
reevaluate that position. But God says, it is His to judge and to repay a
person for their actions.
PRAYER: Father, help
me to let go of hurts quickly. Help me to love others independently of how they
might act. My job is to love first. Work in all of our lives to change us and
to make us more like Jesus Christ.
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