Notice on a slight format change:

Except for July 2012, these are mostly a collection of current devotional notes.

July 2012 is a re-write of old quiet times. My second child was born Nov 11, 1987 with multiple birth defects. I've been re-reading my QT notes from that time in my life, and have included them here. They cover the time before the birth and the few years immediately after the birth. They are tagged "historical." I added new insights and labeled them: ((TODAY, dd mmm yy)).

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

QT 22 May 19, Phil 23-24, Christianity has nothing in common with the lone ranger

Philemon 23–24 (ESV) — 23 Epaphras, my fellow prisoner in Christ Jesus, sends greetings to you, 24 and so do Mark, Aristarchus, Demas, and Luke, my fellow workers.

NOTE: So much for the idea of Christianity as the business of lone rangers. I can only think of one time in Paul's entire life when he was actually alone. I believe it was when he was in Athens and it was a rather short period. Paul recognized that Christianity has nothing to do with the idea of a lone ranger. Christianity is about fellowship, the body of Christ, and reaching out to the world. Staying home because your faith is "private" is a copout, an error, and an affront to the idea of the bride of Christ. Yes, the bride has a number of warts, and we contribute to those warts, but the healthy growing church is one where the people meet, worship, fellowship, and reach out to friends and neighbors.

PRAYER: Father, I am by nature a loner. I know I could easily barricade up in my little bubble. Protect me from Satan's evil strategies. Give me a love for the unlovely and a desire to help others rather than just helping me help myself.

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