1 Timothy 2:11–13 (ESV) — 11 Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man;
rather, she is to remain quiet. 13 For Adam was
formed first, then Eve;
NOTE: This is
certainly a difficult verse in today's culture but I think the context is
easily understood. First of all this
book is about order in the church. The verses don't speak to a woman's ability
but to a woman's and a man's role in the church. The verses do not prohibit a
woman teaching sub-groups of other women. In fact, later in this same book,
Paul tells older women to do just that. No, this passage is about spiritual
leadership in the church and indirectly in the family. This is a role given to
a man for the church body, and given to the husband for the family. The problem
is that too few men step up to their responsibility. I think that seeing a
woman as a Pastor of a church adds to the deterioration of this role given by
God to men. When a man sees a woman leading a church, he thinks that his wife
can also do just as well to lead the family spiritually (and in fact, she
probably can). Consequently, the man shrinks back from his God-given role to lead
the family (one of the main points of the Garden of Eden story). A healthy
family will have the husband leading spiritually. And a healthy church will
have a man as the head Pastor. This is not a discussion of leadership style and
in no way does it suggest dictatorship. Also, this says nothing about a woman
leading a business or any endeavor outside of the church. Neither does it
address women's ministries. We could dispute children's ministries, but I am
not sure on that. It would seem to be a good idea for children seeing more men
leading spiritually, but maybe in the family is enough. I'm not sure why we get
all wrapped around the axle when it comes to discussions of spiritual role. I
think it is our sin nature--we don't want anyone, even God, to tell us what we
can and cannot do.
PRAYER: Father, open
our eyes to our own sin. Help us to see life as you see it. I pray we would
repent of our rebellion and attitude and demands for life. We were the ones who
rebelled against your rulership in the garden. And we are the ones complaining
that we don't like what we have made. Forgive us.
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