Notice on a slight format change:

Except for July 2012, these are mostly a collection of current devotional notes.

July 2012 is a re-write of old quiet times. My second child was born Nov 11, 1987 with multiple birth defects. I've been re-reading my QT notes from that time in my life, and have included them here. They cover the time before the birth and the few years immediately after the birth. They are tagged "historical." I added new insights and labeled them: ((TODAY, dd mmm yy)).

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

QT 28 Aug 18, Exo 15:22-25, Faith is believing God cares, not God is powerful

Exodus 15:22–25 (ESV) — 22 Then Moses made Israel set out from the Red Sea, and they went into the wilderness of Shur. They went three days in the wilderness and found no water. 23 When they came to Marah, they could not drink the water of Marah because it was bitter; therefore it was named Marah. 24 And the people grumbled against Moses, saying, “What shall we drink?” 25 And he cried to the Lord, and the Lord showed him a log, and he threw it into the water, and the water became sweet.
There the Lord made for them a statute and a rule, and there he tested them,

NOTE: Bitterness turned sweet. It seems God does that often. He tests us. He knows our need, but we really don't believe he cares for us. This is immediately after the parting of the waters and the many miracles of leaving Egypt. God's power was visible in the form of a pillar of fire by night and a cloud by day. The evidence was overwhelming. But the people grumbled because they did not believe God cared enough to intervene in their small day-to-day lives. I believe this is the essence of faith, not that God is powerful, but that God cares for me.

PRAYER: Father forgive me for my unbelief. I do believe you know what you are doing in my life. I will wait and trust you to do what you choose. I know you care. I will be obedient to the things I need to do, and I will trust you for the things you need to do.

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